Alliance Knowledge Management Limited

New Chapter of Asia Supply Chain and starting from Hong Kong

(Announcement of Mr. Jimmy Pang as director in Alliance Knowledge Management Ltd.)

Dear Client, Industrial Practitioner, Friend, and colleague,

After 5 years representing 2 NGOs Transport Asset Protection Association (TAPA)and Supply Chain Safety & Security Association (SCSA) for promoting Hong Kong supply chain security in global trade, all encounters with internal national policy makers (i.e. ICAO, IATA, WCO, Interpol, APEC…etc.) and professionals for sharing and exchanging ideas and concerns of improving the global trend.

With recognition from international authorities and organizations; presented few Hong Kong supply chain safety & security projects in world-leading policy conferences e.g. ICAO AVSEC 2018, WCO SAFE Working Group meeting 2017, 3rd AEO global conference 2016, APEC working group meeting 2014…etc.exchanged with international experts, I realized the best way to contribute is working with the industry directly, developing best-fit knowledge to the industry will enhancing business performance, also facilitating trade safe and secure; so, I will resume my director role in Alliance Knowledge Management Limited.

In the past few years, I am very lucky, have a professional team in Alliance working hard for providing best services to the industry, and allow me to explore all possibility and identify the best way to support Hong Kong as ‘High Value and High Performance Asian Hub’. Therefore, It is a new chapter to Alliance, to Hong Kong supply chain industry; Training and Knowledge development It is my first responsibility to give the best support to the industry through Alliance services, so a new approach of the knowledge development program and competence training /workshops will be launched shortly, hope it is not just allied with IATA, ICAO, and other policy compliance, also bring true value to all stakeholders.

Based on my network in the past few years, I hope my presence in Alliance Knowledge Management Ltd., will optimize all best resources and contribute to the global trade best! And continue to make my home Hong Kong, be ‘The Best and Safe Supply Chain Hub in Global Trade’.

Thanks for your support in the past, please continue to work with me and Alliance, make the best global trade!

p.s. My role in TAPA and SCSA will be continued.

Jimmy Pang
Director of Alliance Knowledge Management Ltd.

ICAO AVSEC 2018 IATA Global Cargo Bangkok 2018 ICAO Aviation Safety workshop Singapore WCO 1st E-Commence Conference  Cargo Forum 2018 Hong Kong
WCO SAFE Working Group ICAO AVSEC 2017 In-Town Aviation Cargo Pilot Project Interpol World Congress 2017 IATA Li-battery  TAPA India Conference
 IATA Li-battery workshop 2016 3rd AEO Global Conference WCO Mexico ICAO WCO Join Conference for Enhancing Air Cargo Security I-prepare BCP conference in Bangkok
Alliance 2019/02最新公告
(彭偉樂先生宣布擔任Alliance Knowledge Management Ltd.總監一職)
尊敬的客戶、合作夥伴 與 同業先進
在過去五年多的時間,我一直在協助 Transported Asset Protection Association(TAPA)和 Supply Chain Safety & Security Association 供應鏈安全及保安協會(SCSA)於世界各地推廣及分享香港供應鏈保安的經驗與成果,也藉此機會與各個國家的政府官員與專業人士(例如;國際民航組織、國際航空運輸協會、世界海關組織、國際刑警組織、APEC等)交流優化全球貿易相關之供應鏈保安議題。

與其同時,也得到國際權威機構對我們的認可,能有機會在世界前沿的國際會議上發表香港供應鏈保安項目,例如ICAO AVSEC 2018、WCO SAFE 2017年工作組會議、2016年WCO 3rd AEO Global Conference、2014年APEC工作組會議…等,在與同業先進交流的過程中,我深刻意識到最實際的改善方式是與產業攜手提倡宣導,並提供最合適的顧問服務,力求提高業務績效,促進國際貿易;故從現在起,我將回到Alliance恢復總監角色,站在第一陣線與各位並肩實踐。

我很幸運多年培育的Alliance專業團隊,在過去幾年裡非常努力為產業提供最好最專業的服務,讓我有時間及精力去探索、創新,擁有嶄新的思維支持香港成為“高價值、高效益”的亞洲物流中心。因此,Alliance在香港物流及供應鏈產業將有前所未有的新篇章;專業的培訓及知識推廣是我們的首要責任,透過Alliance優質的服務與各位共創“高價值、高效益”的未來,後續我們將啟動一系列的知識發展計劃 以及 能力培訓課程與研討會,不單單是符合IATA、ICAO政策合規,力求創造更優越的經濟價值。

基於過去幾年走遍世界各地考察,並參與各個國家的研討會及課程,積累各地人脈網絡,希望日後我在Alliance,將彙整所有資源提供最優化優質的服務給各位,為全球貿易做出最大貢獻,繼續為我的家-香港 努力,成為 全球貿易中 最優秀  最有信譽的物流中心”


附註:同時,我也繼續擔任 TAPA香港代表和 SCSA會長一職。

彭偉樂 Jimmy Pang
Alliance Knowledge Management Limited 總監