ISO 28000 helps organizations to better assess security risks in their supply chain (e.g. theft, terrorism, etc.), manage new threats as they emerge and implement appropriate controls to manage potential security threats.

With the growth of international commerce, it has become harder for countries to manage supply chain security on their own. ISO 28000 helps by providing the basis for an overarching Security Management System.

ISO 28000 requires organizations to assess the security of their supply chain and operational environment, determine if adequate security measures are in place and ensure compliance with the law.

隨著全球貿易的擴展,犯罪分子有很多機會可以潛入您的供應鏈。 您的企業需要透過 ISO 28000 驗證減少這些風險。

供應鏈安全管理系統基於 ISO 28000 驗證標準,結合傳統的供應鏈管理實務與安全措施 ─ 保護企業免於遭受侵權、恐怖主義和竊盜之類的威脅。安全管理的重要層面包括:查驗供應商證件、檢查貨物及確保貨物轉運安全。

除此之外,更可以識別整個供應鏈營運中的風險等級。 企業還可以使用此資訊來進行風險評估,透過支持管理工具(如文件控制、關鍵績效指標、內部稽核與培訓)進行必要的控制。

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